Monday, December 1, 2008

North America contributes to root causes of food crisis, says forum

This may startle you, but we need to know the truth:

"Did you know that the same amount of corn that produces enough ethanol to fill the fuel tank of an SUV would feed a Mexican for a year?

"Or that the price of tortillas, Mexico’s staple food, has tripled and even quadrupled in some parts of that country because the price of white corn, which is indexed to the international price of yellow corn used for ethanol production, has risen dramatically?

In other words, there are people around the world who are starving because more and more land is being dedicated to cash-rich fuel crops like corn instead of food."

Full story here:

This artilce reflects an injustice to many poor and hungry people, so that others may have the fuel they need for their automobiles.

We need to encourage our political and business leaders to find alternative energy sources that benefit all human kind and not take from those who can afford it the least in order to benefit those who already have their needs satisifed.

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