Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lent 2009

During the season of Lent, I will be asking you to remember in your daily devotions one of the Millennium Development Goals

Wednesdays: Eradicate extreme poverty
Thursdays: Achieve Universal Primary education
Fridays: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women
Saturdays: Reduce Child Mortality
Sundays: Improve Maternal Health
Mondays: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases
Tuesday: Ensure Environmental Sustainability

Each day I will try to give you an update on each goal, and any news that pertains to that goal.

I also ask you to add the following prayer to your Lenten devotions:

Most loving God,
as your desire for mercy for the poor is unrelenting,
may we be unrelenting in our pursuit of mercy for all;
as your compassion for the suffering of the poor knows no limit,
may our hearts overflow with compassion for all;
as you long for justice for the poor,
may we strive for justice for all.
Open our eyes to the structures of oppression from which we benefit,
and give us courage to accept our responsibility,
wisdom to chart a sound course amid complexity,
and perseverance to continue our work until it is finished.
Breathe your life-giving Spirit afresh into your Church
to free us from apathy and indifference;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

I invite you to allow yourself to become more aware of the plight of many of our brothers and sisters who suffer from poverty and disease. God's concern for the poor is unrelenting. He wants us to join our concerns with His and to take action. Prayer is the first and most important step. Then allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to you about your response would be the next step. Acting on the promptings of the Holy Spirit would be the final step.

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