Thursday, January 8, 2009

Reconciliation in Rwanda

Since 2003 I have had a friendship with a priest from Rwanda name Fr. Philbert Kalisa. He is the executive director of REACH (Reconciliation, Evangelism and Christian Healing). He started this organization in 1996 following the 1994 genocide in Rwanda where 1.2 million people (Tutsi’s and Hutu moderates) were murdered by Hutu militia. It was horrific. In some cases people were told to go into the local church, then the gunmen came and murdered everyone (once in awhile a few survived to tell the story).

I helped start the REACH_USA board of directors (which I am still on) in 2004. Our website is here:

The work of REACH has been very successful in bringing peace and unity back to Rwanda. Now offenders who did the genocide are coming out from prison. REACH is helping them and their victims to be reconciled and for the offenders to be accepted back in their communities. It is very difficult and heartbreaking work (with REACH’s support one offender went to a grandmother whose family of 28 he had murdered, and knelt before her asking for her forgiveness – she forgave him after an hour of conversation).

I invite you to see this utube video:

What REACH has accomplished can be a model for other countries.

In Christ,

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